Thursday 13 September 2012

Thriller Analysis

Analysis of Thriller Catherina

From the very beginning there is a steady loud beat that slowly rises in volume to increase the tension. As well as this you hear the sounds of a driving car this combined with the beat gives us the impression that the driver of the car is heading to their doom. Then they add in a sinister wave of sound that increases the tension even more giving the feeling that something is going to happen very soon.

The camera shot is of car wheel moving along a road giving us the sense of a journey as it is the back wheel being filmed by the go pro its shows that the driver is coming from a point of safety. Throughout the journey the car is weaving over the white dotted line perhaps showing the characters uneasiness and suggesting he is a not so innocent player. This is also shown when the camera changes to the inside of the car we see that the driver is framed in a dark hazy light which hides his face from us this makes us as an audience uneasy. Another contributor to the impending doom is the pathetic fallacy it is grey and raining giving the viewer a negative impression.

Catherina who I presume is the killers name is wearing red nail polish and lipstick connoting that she is a dangerous figure. The fact that she does not look English shows the stereotypical movie villain so this automatically gives the viewer a sense of discomfort.

The use of props is very limited only using three guns: one sniper and a pistol for Catherina and one pistol for the man portrayed as a cop because of his black jacket and trousers a white shirt often stereotypically a policeman.

Overall this thriller has many things that contribute to the mise-en-scene and all make an uneasy atmosphere. I have been influenced by this and have been inspired for the thriller I am going to make one of my early ideas is to have someone who is being targeted making the audience feel intrigued about what he has done to deserve this pursuit.   

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