Wednesday 19 September 2012



The difference between diegetic and non-diegetic sounds

   Sound has existed in film since 1927
   Sound is used conventionally to create a more involving and believable narrative

   Diegetic: it exists within the world of the film. Ultimately the characters can hear that sound. Diegetic sound can be sub divided into – dialogue – sound effects – ambient sound

   Non-diegetic: it emerges from outside the world of the film. The characters in the film cant hear this sound. Added to support the mood and atmosphere. Non diegetic music is usually used to support what’s going on in the narrative although sometimes non diegetic sound is used which contrasts the images (contrapuntal)

   Synchronous sound is caused by some event on screen so that the sound matches the action

   Asynchronous is sound that is separate from the visuals, such as a voiceover or dialogue from another scene

   A sound bridge connects two scenes and carry’s on from one into the other
   This can start of diegetic and become non-diegetic or start non-diegetic and become diegetic

4 most important areas that can be generated through sound is through the
   Character/James bond
   Setting/period drama
   Narrative/action sequences

Sound and film analysis

Sound and … can establish

     Evil or good
     Victim or hero
     Characters regularly have a piece of music called a character theme

     Can establish status

     You know there coming when you here the theme tune even though not on screen

     Aural motifs (not music but repeated sounds)

     A characters nervous state of mind could be conveyed through non-diegetic sound
     Sound can let the audience know the genre (type of film there watching)

     Action gun shots

     Horror screams

     Composers can be associated with a genre

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