Wednesday 19 September 2012

Kill Bill Vol 2 Analysis

      Kill bill volume 2
S     Scene 1

       Dirt falling on coffin gives sense of despair and the fact shovels are not used but a truck means she is buried deeper
      Her breathing loud and fast showing how scared she is

     The mid shot and zoom shows her fear gives an intimacy
     The camera angle makes the coffin look smaller
      Low POV showing he has the power
     Close up on nail shows finality of what he’s doing
       Light going out the extinguishing of her hope
     White torch light more scary
      Lighting round the edges of the coffin shows she is stuck a sense of despair
     Sweat on face the scared heavy breathing
      Graveyard shows isolation

     And if she didn’t escape no one could have helped


    Scene 2

      Whistling hope music almost triumphant

     When she’s out the soil the non diegetic movement stops

      Punching loud
      Triumphant gasps of pain
      Grunts of effort

      Drumming beat mimics the sound of the mud and foreshadowed pounding fist

      Narrates herself shows she’s in control
      Showing more body not just head she is more free
     She is shown from top not from side as much
      Close up cutting the rope shows her skill

     Close up on eyes they widen happier

      Camera pans to make it look bigger

     Zoom in gives her more glory when she escapes

      Lighter the torch is more of a yellow light lighter the villain the darkness has gone

     Torch light focuses on moments of importance

     Coffin looks bigger she’s more free

      Determined face less scared

     Knife in cowboy boots cowboy boots perhaps showing risky danger

      Cutting of the rope self freedom no ones help

     Blood on shirt shows struggle

     Blood coming off knuckles shows the struggle

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