Wednesday 19 September 2012

Hanna sound analysis escape scene


-       Squeaking doors D
-        Heavy Breathing D
-       Doors opening and closing D
-       Humming D
-       Crying D
-       Music ND
-       Neck cracking SD
-       Beeping D
-       Gun shots D
-       Feet running D
-       Funky beat when escaping ND
-       Flashes D
-       Dialogue D
-       Echo gives a cavernous feel
-       Video game sound ND
-       Sound of silence
-       Sitting down
-       Chanting of soldiers
-       Wind blowing showing empty

How does the sound in this sequence reveal information about the character, genre and narrative of the film Hanna?

At the very beginning of this sequence Hannah is portrayed as captured and isolated the sound played contributes to this because the doors squeak connoting a sinister and lonely feeling. As well as this we here and echo almost reverb like showing that she is in a massive space and is somewhere lost within it. As she starts escaping non diegetic drum and base techno music is played which gradually speeds up showing her urgency to escape and that she is getting closer and closer. As soon as she opens a hatch suddenly all the non-diegetic music stops and you here the low volume sound of blowing wind signifying freedom and desertedness.  Really like the fact that silence is very intriguing and useful and I would really like to use the device of silence in my thriller.  

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