Tuesday 26 March 2013

Who would be the audience for our thriller (TASK 4)

Seeing as our thriller sequence is a film noir our target audience would be quite diverse. For example film noir has been around since the 1940s therefore many a people would be attracted to watch it from the older generation through to younger people that are interested in older films. An example of a old noir style film in Brighton Rock which was remade in 2010 by Roland Joffe and will therefore target a younger audience who may rediscover older film noirs through this. Our film is a homage to 40s film noir a film such as The Big Sleep, the Maltese Falcon and Sunset Boulevard. These films are classics so therefore they will target a wide audience of film fans around the world.

Film noir underwent resurgence in the 1990s with neo noir films coming out such as LA Confidential, The Last Seduction and The Usual Suspects. These films at the time of release were targeting a younger audience and although you wouldn’t say they were mainstream they had a widespread release although their audience was probably a little more niche than that. I feel that the audience for our thriller will be equally men and women of any ages over the age of 15 but because of the subject matter and the attention to period detail our film would probably target a more mature audience. Younger fans may appreciate our film if they discovered it girls in particular because of our strong female lead character men would like to court her whereas women would like to be her. As goes for our lead male with older women being attracted to him and younger women might want to watch it just to see him get his comeuppance.

Overall I think our film will probably mainly appeal to over 30s equally male and female and would probably get shown at art-house cinemas and therefore appeal a niche audience. A younger audience of 18- 30 would also like our film but that would mainly be the secondary audience unless they were cineastes.

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