Tuesday 26 March 2013

Social groups in thriller (TASK 2)

We have chosen to represent social groups in a number of different ways within our film primarily through the subverting of binaries in gender. Traditional male/female roles were subverted within our film as we chose to show a strong female character and a weaker more subservient male. For Example in a film like A Street Car Named Desire you can clearly see that Stanley has the control and the power. So we decided to subvert to dominant ideologies.

  The male character was also significantly older than the female and attracted to her because of her age and in thrall to her charms hence the power shift. Therefore we also subverted the traditional representation of age by giving the power and status to the younger character. For Example in the stereotypical family dynamic it is the parents/older generation that have the control. so we decided we would give the younger generation the power by having the younger female shoot the older male

Finally we portrayed a negative representation of detectives as our male character was a weak male who succumbs to the charms of the female he is employed to protect and who eventually destroys him. This goes against societies expectations because a detective is portrayed as helpful and wise whereas we have shown him as scared and weak.

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