Tuesday 20 November 2012

The Thriller Pitch

In one of our lessons we had to pitch ideas to Matt and Simon. By creating a PowerPoint then talking through our ideas inspired by the Challenger.

I think The Pitch to Matt and Simon went very well. We didn't get any very negative feedback and they seemed to love our Challenger idea. They only said that because our idea is set a few years back it may be hard to pull of the 80's look. Our ideas were presented well and I think this contributed to them liking our idea.

 Even though the pitch went well on the challenger idea we decided to change our idea therefore we had to do a second pitch on our new Art Deco inspired Thriller idea this pitch went better then the first one with them saying that it was a very good idea although it has been done badly before we should give it a go. My group and i are very confident that we wont disappoint in the end.

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