Tuesday 20 November 2012

Preliminary Editing

We spent 2 lessons editing the prelim tasks. This was the first time I have ever edited so I had to learn about the whole process. We watched all of our shots and chose the best ones to put into our finished prelim. I really enjoyed watching all of our filming we had done the week before. It wasn’t only entertaining to watch but it was also good to see the mistakes we made and then think about how we could improve our filming for the next time. I think one of the hardest things about the editing was trying to decided on what shots we wanted to use especially because they had to have constant continuity and be of good quality. I don’t think our group found matching the shots so hard when we were editing to our storyboard. I think this was because our actors were not talking very fast which allowed us to easily switch between the shots. The extra shots, which we got, were great help in putting together the final sequence. They were able to help fantastically in order to give the viewer a better understanding that the boy was trying to break into the car. If I was to change everything it would probably be that we should of done more close ups of our two actors and left longer pauses before between starting to film and our actors starting to speak. Our group seems to always work very well together and we never have any arguments or disagreements. During the editing process we all contributed well, giving our opinions on what shots to use and taking turns editing into our final sequence.

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