Wednesday 17 April 2013

Audience Feedback

We wanted to find out what people thought of our thriller, collect some constructive feedback from them and see what they thought worked and what didn't. We printed out some feedback sheets, asked a random group of teenagers and asked them to watch our thriller then fill in the questions. The questions where; 1) what do you think the basic plot to this thriller is? 2) What do you think are the key strengths of this thriller and why? 3) How do you think this thriller could be made even more effective and why?
For the first question the answers were very similar, people easily identified the rough detective plot (however we should have made clearer the relationship between the detective and the femme fatal because few people remarked on it or noted it) and many mentioned that "it reminded [them] of a thriller from the 1940's" which was exactly what we were looking to convey so we are very pleased and consider our efforts to make a 40s style thriller a success.
The comments about the key strengths of our thriller mainly consist of compliments about the music, how it fits well with the time and effectively builds tension, Emma Smith said, "the music is very atmospheric and effective". Again the set was mentioned numerous times, saying it was well made and realistic as a detective’s office.
For the last question there were two answers in particular that were most consistent and that we also as a group agree with, 1) People commented on how the death scene (gun shot) could be made more realistic and if I were to make the thriller all over again I would do exactly that and focus more on sorting out the murder and how realistic and effective it looks for the audience. 2) Many mentioned that they thought the thriller should be put in black and white and this is something that we ourselves are still deciding too, we originally thought that Film Noirs had to be in black and white however have since learnt otherwise and that many are in fact in colour. We don’t like the colours in our thriller at the moment, they look fake and too bright, however we also feel that a black and white filter is too simple and too obvious. We have decided to saturate the film considerably and that a cold bluish filter should be added to make it more eerie and look more effective.
Overall I am pleased with the feedback we received and have taken into account the comments on the colour of the film and will change this.