Tuesday 26 February 2013

Change in Titles

We have changed the order of our titles because although the titles I have put on the blog below are how they would have been done in the 1940s-50s and we are doing a neo noir which is typical of this time we are not in fact making our film in the 1940s so therefore we have adjusted them to be more like those in a new film. On the software we have used scrolling text so that the titles all roll up the screen against the dark shadow on the wall, all except the name of the producer and director who’s names are in slightly larger American typewriter font than the rest and the are cross dissolved in and out in the middle of the page. This is typical of noirs as well as modern films to have the producer and director’s names stand out, as they are the most important. This can be seen in Chinatown 1974, which is a well-known old noir.  

organising our titles

The titles will be ran at the beginning of the thriller along the shadow of the brick wall outside before the detective walks into view. We will learn how to edit them into our thriller next lesson but here is what they will say. In this same order they will include;

Name of film production company.......................MGIM Productions                            
MGIM Productions Presents.....                                                                           
Main Actor.......................................................Stephen Paxton
Main Actor.......................................................Dayana Pinaeva
Main Actor.......................................................Samuel Rhodes
Co Star Actors..................................................George Hill
                        ..................................................Maggie Campbel
                        ..................................................Simon Wood
                        ..................................................Francessca Hoare
                        ..................................................Toby Baring

                        ..................................................Ivo Beckett
                        ..................................................Theo Bhat
Guest Starring Actors.......................................Maxim Bawldry
Casting by.........................................................Georgie May     
                 .........................................................Joel Hambly
Screen Play by..................................................Imogen Riley
Script Writer and Idea for Film........................Marita Hall
Director of Photography...................................Paul Mathews
Art Director (Costume design).........................Gregory Fellows
Set Director (and designer)...............................Mollie Cayzer-Colvin
Sound Director..................................................Luke Del Drago
Film Editors......................................................Giorgio Carta
                    ......................................................Mollie Cayzer-Colvin
                    ......................................................Imogen Riley
                    ......................................................Marita Hall
Make up Artists................................................Sophia Stanway
                         .................................................Eleanore Hemsley
Assistant Director.............................................Clifford Ricks
Music................................................................Giorgio Carta
Music Supervision............................................Matt Lucas
Produced by......................................................MGIM Productions
Directed by.......................................................Tom Christopher

(Title)                                              Let The Sleeping Dogs Lie

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Why we decided against having a secretary

During the day of the shoot, we realized that there was already a lot to film and the secretary just seemed to be kind of extra and had no real importance in the film and not only this but we also wanted to focus on the relation between the detective (Steven) and the killer (Dayana) more and therefore the secretary wasn't needed in our opening sequence of the thriller.

Editing 2

Today in editing we started to look at the sound FX from soundtrack pro, we were looking for gun shots sound FX to match the shooting scene in our thriller, but none of the sounds were suitable so we decide to look for some shots sound FX online therefore instead we were editing the sound we recorded while shooting our thriller and we decided to keep the sound for type writer, sound of hanging up the phone and the quote from Dayana : I know what you did to Johnny. We also spent some time searching for the right music to put with our thriller.

Thursday 7 February 2013


Finding Our Props

The typewriter is perfect for the part, not only is the sound it produces loud and clear it is also a functioning typewriter and therefore we can use it to write our title with. The typewriter is an important feature at the end of our thriller as our plan is to zoom up on the words that the detective previously wrote after he is shot by the femme fatal and she walks away.

The desk is key to indicating that the set is a detective office, it will be in the centre of the set and our detective will sit at it typing on the typewriter and making panicked telephone calls.

All of these props are old fashioned and look like the furniture/typewriter you would expect to see in a 1940s noir.